منذ انتصاب الحماية الفرنسية بتونس انتشرت ظاهرة "الادمان على الخمر" بشكل كبير
جدا حيث لم يعد استهالك الخمر حكرا على سكان الحاضرة أو المناطق الساحلية فقط بل
استمرت هذه الظاهرة في الاتساع رغم صدور العديد من القوانين و الاوامر التي تضيق
على االاهالي التونسيين ارتياد فضاءات استهالك الخمر أو تلك التي تفرض عقوبات على
الذين يضبطون وهم في حالة سكر وا ضح .
When the French protectorate was established in Tunisia, the phenomenon of alcohol addiction had spread to a large extent. Back then, the consumption of alcohol was no longer restricted to the inhabitants of the capital Tunis or coastal areas only, as it proliferated in other regions. This phenomenon continued and expanded despite the issuance of many laws and orders that prevented Tunisians from going to bars, or rules that imposed penalties on those caught in a clear state of drunkenness. Nevertheless, all of these laws had remained a dead letter as they were not implemented by the concerned authorities. So, this phenomenon had become common among Tunisian all over the country.