The Lakatos theory of science lies in between two different views: The Popper’s view and the Kuhn’s view. . Popper sees science in continuing falsification and in permanent revolution, but Kuhn describes Growth of
scientific cknowledge as a process of accumulations interspersed Sometimes by
scientific revolutions: Lakatos attempted to reconcile the two views by replacing Kuhn’s concept of the paradigm with his concept of the research programme. The research programme is as eries of theories, that all have a common hard core,The hard coreis one of the most important components of the research program compared to other elements such as the protective belt and positive heuristic and negative heuristic. Scientists working on a research program are bound to protect the the hard core from falsification by adding auxiliary hypotheses to the protective belt. There are a progressive research programmes and other are degenerating. A progressive research program is
characterized by growth and progress, its auxiliary hypotheses lead to novel
predicitions more precise. In contrast, a degenerative program is marked by a lack of growth because its auxiliary hypotheses do not lead to novel
predicitions that are later verified.