يعتبر الإصلاح هو السبيل الصحيح والطريق السليم للمحافظة على الفكر الإسلامي والدفع به الى الامام. فهو يرى عكس ما يراه المجددون أن العيب ليس في الدين الإسلامي أو الفكر الإسلامي المنبثق عنه، و لكنه يعود للفهم الخاطئ لتعاليم الدين و الأسس التي يقوم عليها؛ بعدما تغلفت بالخرافات و البدع فيه. والحل إذن لا يكمن في في إلباس الفكر الإسلاميلباس الفكر الغربي و تذويبه فيه، و لكن الحل يكمن في تنقيته مما علق به من خرافات وشوائب أعاقته عن النهوض. و هذا هو جوهرالإصلاح. وأفضل من يمثل هذا الاتجاه حسب محمد البهي في عصرنا نجد محمد عبده في مصر ومحمد اقبال في باكستان.
The innovators, according to Muhammad al-Bahi, are those thinkers who were fascinated by Western civilization and its intellectual products, and this group of thinkers threw Islamic thought behind. He considered the call for renewal a major fallacy, because in fact it is not a call to preserve Islamic thought, but rather a call to dissolve and obliterate the features of this thought. After he wears western clothes. Muhammad al-Bahi considers both Taha Hussein and Ali Abd al-Raziq to be among the most loyal to Orientalist thought.
On the other hand, reform is the right way and the right way to preserve Islamic thought and push it forward. He sees the opposite of what the innovators see, that the fault is not in the Islamic religion or the Islamic thought emanating from it, but rather it is due to the wrong understanding of the teachings of religion and the foundations on which it is based; After it was enveloped in myths and heresies. The solution, then, does not lie in dressing Islamic thought as Western thought and dissolving it in it, but the solution lies in purifying it from the myths and impurities attached to it that hindered its advancement. This is the essence of reform. The best representative of this trend according to Muhammad al-Bahi in our time is Muhammad Abduh in Egypt and Muhammad Iqbal in Pakistan.