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من خلال وثئق الاوقاف ا لدور الاقتصادي والاجتماعي للنساء في مدينة الجزائرأثناء القرنين الثامن عشر والتاسع عشر

Show simple item record بوحمشوش 2022-12-25T12:06:41Z 2022-12-25T12:06:41Z 2022-06
dc.identifier.issn 2661-7498
dc.description.abstract Women in Algiers’s society, like the rest of women in the territories of the Ottoman Empire, did not hold political positions and did not preside over the economic or religious institutions. However, that did not stop her from exercising other roles in society at economical and social spheres. The archive documents keep to us important information that, if collected and compared, we can fix a picture that brings us closer to the reality that a woman was living at that time. So what are the documents that can be used to reach this? What is the status of woman at that time? Did she have the right to own lands, houses, shops, etc.? Did she have the right to inherit and be inherited? Did she make a possession mortmain or owned a mortmainable property? ar_AR
dc.language.iso Ar ar_AR
dc.publisher جامعة الجزائر 2 ابو القاسم سعد الله université alger2 ar_AR
dc.relation.ispartofseries نعيمة;
dc.relation.ispartofseries مجلة المفكر;المجلد السادس /العدد
dc.relation.ispartofseries ;المجلد السادس/ العدد الاول
dc.subject ملكية الاراضي ar_AR
dc.title من خلال وثئق الاوقاف ا لدور الاقتصادي والاجتماعي للنساء في مدينة الجزائرأثناء القرنين الثامن عشر والتاسع عشر ar_AR
dc.title.alternative Startus of women in algier's Community during the 18th and 19the centuries through archive documents. ar_AR
dc.type Article ar_AR

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