Reading acquisition operations are mainly based on phonological
awareness processes, and any problem in phonological processing
processes limits the acquisition of reading and the child is faced at the
beginning of his learning a problem in phonological awareness in
general, which is the problem of the deaf child in particular. The
current study aims to know the importance of phonological awareness
training in improving reading in a child who is deaf, and who is
cochlear implant. The study applied to a group of 15 students, who are
integrated deaf, cochlear implant,. And we used the semi-experimental
approach where the intelligence test, the reading test and the
phonological awareness test, then we applied exercises to train
phonological awareness derived from the pedagogical therapeutic
protocol, and then we re-applied the reading test and phonological
awareness test applied after me. We concluded that phonological
awareness training helps improve reading in a deaf, integrated child
with cochlear implant. The Eartopianist must develop a phonological
awareness of this group in order to improve their level of reading.
Keywords: deaf child pregnant with cochlear implant; phonologica