يعد التغير المتسارع في جميع مجالات الحياة هو السمة المميزة لعصرنا الحالي والتي أدت الى ظهور عالم بلا حدود حيث تآكلت حدود كل الأوطان وتآكلت معها بالتبعية حدود واسوار منظمات كثيرة كان يظن ان لها حصانة ثقافية من قبل ، عالم انهارت به الحواجز والقيود ، عالم التنافس المعرفي حيث انفجار المعرفة وانتشارها بفضل ثورة تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات جعلتنا امام احتياجات متغيرة ، وامام معارف متغيرة امام تكنولوجيا متقدمة لنشر المعرفة والمعلومات الى كل العالم متجاوزة الزمان والمكان
The accelerated change in all spheres of life is the hallmark of our present
age, which led to the emergence of a world without borders where the
borders of all countries were eroded and eroded with them in consequence
the boundaries and walls of many organizations that were thought to have
cultural immunity before, a world in which barriers and restrictions
collapsed, The world of knowledge competition, where the explosion of
knowledge and its spread thanks to the revolution of information and
communication technology has made us in front of changing needs, and in
front of changing knowledge in front of advanced technology to spread
knowledge and information to the whole world, transcending time and
And if it is necessary to keep pace with these changes and challenges with
what the nature of the age requires from new qualities of highly qualified
and high-level academic, professional, cultural and moral level, effective
qualities in the process of social change, then all of the socialization,
continuous learning and training are factors and variables of the real
experience, especially as they contribute Strongly involved in preparing
successful leaders who are able to manage change and innovation and who
have the superior ability to solve problems, make decisions in appropriate
situations, and win the battle of competitiveness and globalization