In this philosophical article entitled: “The Arab Political Mind: Conclusion and Way Out,” we tried to show How did the Moroccan thinker "Muhammad Abed Al-Jabri" practice the process of philosophical criticism of the political mind?
Arab, because the Arab-Islamic reality is backward in all aspects, especially the political and Social and Economic. And he wanted to reveal the crisis of this reality by looking at the Arab political discourse
The modern and the contemporary in its political aspect, which reflect the separation of this discourse from reality, and
Hence the impossibility of realizing the Arab renaissance project. And he tried with her to reveal the crisis of this mind by looking
To the historicity of the Arab political mind, by highlighting its manifestations (the state of the political king, the mythology of the imama, the movement
enlightenment, the sultanic ideology and political jurisprudence (and its determinants) belief and booty and tribe), which were political epistemological obstacles that prevented the progress of the Arab political mind since
The era of decadence.