جاءت هذه الدراسة للبحث عن "الميثاق السّيرذاتي في رواية سيرة المنتهى عشتها كما اشتهتني" للروائي (واسيني الأعرج)، للكشف عن مدى صحة الشّروط الّتي وضعها الناقد الفرنسي فليب لوجون من خلال تحديد العناصر السّيرذاتية داخل النّص وخارجه، الّتي تعتبر مؤشّرات ومفاتيح للبحث، كذلك درسنا الميثاق المرجعي الّذي له علاقة تداخل بالميثاق السّيرذاتي، والّذي يُحيل على صدقية المحكي داخل النّص وتتبعنا تحوّل المرجعي من الواقعي إلى التخيّيلي انطلاقا من وظيفتهما
Wassini Laredj “The Biography of the end, I lived as it wanted “, and to find out the validity of the conditions developed by French critic Philippe Lejeune by identifying the autobiographic elements inside and outside the text, which are indicators and clues for this search.
The study is divided into three chapters, one includes theoretical matters, the two others are devoted to case study.
The first chapter deals with the conceptual framework in which we discuss the linguistic and the standard definition of autobiography among Arab and Western critics, so its relationship to other genres such as the novel which is considered as the most important genre. We give the main differences between the novel and the autobiography, and the difference between the narrative autobiography and the novel as an autobiography as they are a result of the interaction between the biography and the novel. We also give a look at the autobiography in modern Arabic literature in general and Algerian literature in particular.