يهدف البحث الحالي إلى الكشف عن واقع تقويم مادة اللغة العربية وفق المقاربة بالكفاءات في مرحلة التعليم الإبتدائي، فكانت النتائج كالتالي:
1-تحققت الفرضية الأولى القائلة: "يرتفع مستوى تقدير الأساتذة في تطبيق التقويم وفق المقاربة بالكفاءات في مادة اللغة العربية".
2- عدم تحقق الفرضية الثانية والثالثة و الرابعة التي تنص على و جود اختلاف بين الأساتذة في تقديرهم لمستوى تطبيق التقويم وفق المقاربة بالكفاءات في مادة اللغة العربية تعزى لعامل الجنس و عامل الخبرة و عامل المؤهل العلمي".
3- تحققت الفرضية الخامسة التي تنص على ما يلي: يرتفع مستوى تطبيق الأساتذة للتقويم وفق المقاربة بالكفاءات في مادة اللغة العربية بأنواعه الثلاث ( التقويم التشخيصي، التقويم التكويني، التقويم النهائي) في مرحلة التعليم الإبتدائي
The current research aims the reality of Arabic subject evaluation according to
the Competency based approach at primary school so as to achieve what the
research aims at, a number of steps have been put. The mast important of which
is the prottem of the research and what favours as asking question and research.
The research results found the followings.
- The first hypothèses was confirmed and it states the followings :The level of
teacher’s appreciation of evaluation application according to the Competency
approach increases according to what was proven by the stastical results.
-The second hypothesis was not confirmed and it states the followings :
There is a difference between Arabic teachers in their appreciation of
evaluation application according to the competency approach due to the
gender factor.
-The third hypothesis was not confirmed and it states the followings :
-There is a difference between Arabic teachers in their application according to
the competency approach due to the experience factor.
-The fourth hypothesis was not confirmed and it states the followings :
-There is a difference between Arabic teachers in their appreciation of
evaluation application according to the competency based approach due to the
qcientific qualification factor.
-The fifth hypothesis was confirmed and it states the following :
The level of evaluation application according to the competency based approach
increases with its three types ( diagnostic evaluation, formative evaluation,
summative evaluation) on the part of primary school Arabic teachres.