فالسلطة ظاهرة تنظيمية تستمد أسسها ومصادرها من الذين يمارسونها كذلك، لها وظيفة العمل على ضمان استقرار المؤسسة لتحقيق أهدافها وأهداف العامل معا.
وقد بينت الوقائع الميدانية في إطار متغيرات الوضع السوسيو اقتصادي للمجتمع الجزائري الجانب السوسيولوجي لبناء السلطة في المؤسسة الخاصة، فأصبح اعتماد سلطة الخبرة والكفاءة والقدرة على حل المشكلات وإرساءالحوافز المبني على الجانب المعنوي، فيدمج العامل وتتطور قدراته فتؤثر على سلوكه في حدود مقبولة
The institution is a social unit whose strength lies in the spread of human resources (with knowledge and skill balance, social and psychological formation), and turning them into real wealth, this is done through the regulatory authority and the strategic role that characterizes it, as it requires appropriate leadership and participation in decision-making, activating and expanding the communication network to influence the behavior of the worker as the basis of the institution, by increasing his motivation, modifying his trends, installing a system of values appropriate to the institution's environment and motivating him to perform effectively by renewing work methods and techniques.
Authority is an organizational phenomenon that derives its foundations and sources from those who exercise it as well, and has the function of working to ensure the stability of the institution to achieve both its objectives and the objectives of the worker.
The field facts within the framework of the variables of the socio-economic situation of Algerian society have shown the sociological aspect of building power in the private institution, so the adoption of the authority of experience, competence and the ability to solve problems and establish incentives based on the moral aspect, so the worker integrates and develops his capabilities and affects his behavior within acceptable limits