يهذف هزا البدث ئلى الخػشف غلى واكؼ الذمج اإلاذسس ي وأزشه غلى
الخدطُل الذساس ي لفئت اإلاطابحن بؿُف الخىخذ في اإلاذاسط الػادًت، ورلً
باالغخماد غلى وحهت هظش مػلمي الؿىس ألاوٌ والثاوي ابخذائي وهزا اإلاخخطحن في
التربُت وغلم الىفغ وألاسؾىفىهُا اإلايلفحن بخذسَغ هزه الفئت.
و للذ أظفشث الىخائج ئلى وحىد اهخفاع في الخدطُل الذساس ي في مادة
دساظُت أو أهثر، وهزا ٌػىد ألظباب راجُت مخػللت بالفشد بدذ راجه وهزا أظباب
بُئُت مذسظُت، وأخحرا أظباب احخماغُت أظشٍت، ولها غىامل جخذاخل مؼ بػػها
لخػؿل العحروسة الؿبُػُت لىمى اللغت الشفىٍت والىخابُت وهزا الذمج اإلاذسس ي
وهزا مشجبـ بما ًلي: خطائظ فئت اإلاطابحن بؿُف الخىخذ، اإلاخابػت ألاسؾىفىهُت،
اإلاخابػت الىالذًت، الخخطظ ألاوادًمي للمػلمحن اإلاششفحن غلى اللعم اإلاذمج
الخاص، هىغُت البرامج الذساظُت اإلاؿبلت
This research aims to know the reality of school integration
in normal schools and its impact on the academic achievement for people on the autism spectrum, this is through relying on the
opinion of teachers in first and second primary levels as well as
specialists in education, psychology and orthophony who are in
charge of that category .
The results indicates a decrease of the academic
achievement in one subject or more, this is due to personal
reasons related to the individual himself, school environment
reasons as well as family social reasons, all factors interfere with
each other's to disrupt the natural process of oral and written
language developement and school integration which are linked
to the following: orthophony follow-up,parental follow-up, the
academic specialization of teachers supervising the special
integration section and kind of study programs applied .