يعالج هذا المقال الإطار المرجعي للمصطلح في حقل تعليميّة اللّغات، ويرتبط هذا الإطار بالمرجعيّات المعرفيّة المتنوّعة المعتمدة في هذا الحقل المعرفي الذي يوظّف العديد من المقاربات والنّظريّات بحكم طبيعة موضوعه وأبعاده المختلفة، وكذا التّقاطع المنهجي الحاصل بينه وبين غيره من العلوم. وقد أدى هذا التّنوّع المعرفي والمنهجي إلى ظهور الكثير من المصطلحات المرتبطة بإطارها المرجعي الذي يضبط مفهومها بدقّة، ويساعد في حلّ الكثير من المشكلات كتباين مفاهيم بعض المصطلحات وغموضها وضعف ترجمتها
This article deals with the frame of reference for the term in field of
didactic of languages, as defining the frame helps to solve many problems,
such as the divergence of concepts of some terms, their ambiguity and poor
translation. And it is characterized by knowledgediversitydue to the nature
of the subject of didactic of languages, and its various dimensions (linguistic,
psychological, mental, social…etc). Where this field uses the results of
linguistics sciences (linguistic with its specialties) and other non-linguistic
sciences (psychology, education science, sociology…etc), in solving its
problems and from it achieving its learning goals. This diverse knowledge
has formed a frame reference that effects the terminology of the field of
didactic of languages by defining its concept and employment. Once of the
manifestations of this terminology specific to some of approach and
pedagogies of teaching and learning theories adopted in this field according
to their frame of reference.