ملخص: تعتبر الفوبيا الاجتماعية اضطرابا خطيرا نظرا لامتدادها على الحياة الاجتماعية للأفراد وتأثير ها على الصحة النفسية وصورة الذات والأداء وفرص النجاح، ولقد اهتم العلاج السلوكي المعرفي بتوفير تدخلات للتخفيف من أعراض هذا الاضطراب وذلك في موجاته الأولى والثانية والثالثة، وإذا كانت الموجتان الأولى والثانية قد حظيتا باهتمام واسع من قبل الباحثين ونالت كفايتها من الاهتمام ولا تزالان كذلك فإن الموجة الثالثة لم تنل بعد ما يكفي من البحث، وتحاول الدراسة الحالية التعريف بالموجة الثالثة وتتناول العلاج بالتقبل والالتزام كأحد أهم علاجاتها في محاولة لبيان الإضافات التي جاءت بها فيما يخص التخفيف من أعراض الفوبيا الاجتماعية.
Abstract: Social phobia is a serious disorder due to its extension to the social life of individuals and its impact on mental health, self-image, performance and success, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to provide interventions to relieve the symptoms of this disorder in its first, second and third waves, researchers have drawn much attention to the first and second wave, but not enough to third, the current study attempts to identify the third wave and what it has added to the previous ones, as well as to accept and treat the treatments as one of the most important treatments in this wave to try to explain the additions brought to relieve the symptoms of social phobia.
Abstract: Social phobia is a serious disorder due to its extension to the social life of individuals and its impact on mental health, self-image, performance and success, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aims to provide interventions to relieve the symptoms of this disorder in its first, second and third waves, researchers have drawn much attention to the first and second wave, but not enough to third, the current study attempts to identify the third wave and what it has added to the previous ones, as well as to accept and treat the treatments as one of the most important treatments in this wave to try to explain the additions brought to relieve the symptoms of social phobia.