After Algiers had discussed peace with Spain in July 1785, it declared war on the United States forthwith. Before its revolutionary war, the United States’ commerce was protected by Great Britain. After its independence, the new infant country had to rely on itself and search for new markets. This is how it turned to the Mediterranean. But without the British shield, the American vessels were jeopardized. During a decade, two Algerian offensives had been directed against the United States before a treaty of Amity and peace was signed between the Regency of Algiers and the United States. The signature of this treaty was not an easy task. Some countries were reluctant to I t, andsome others were neutral. The present article aims to underscore the Swedish role in the fulfillment of the peace treaty. Focus will be laid on the Skjöldebrand brothers in general, and on Per Erik Skjöldebrandin particular in his efforts to rescue peace.The welfare he provided to the American captives wil be displayed. There will bean attempt to underline his role in paving the wayand providing the necessary intelligence to peace negotiations. Moreover, this article highlights Per Erik’s legacy in avoiding the rupture of negotiations and finalizing the details of the treaty. Finally, the article offers a reflection on Per Erik’s refusal of any reward from the American government but a letter of gratitude.