The present study is a secondary research which aims at collecting, organizing and synthesizing preexisting data to shed light on the importance of classroom debate as a technique to develop and enhance critical thinking skills and speaking skill. It also provides a comparative and a critical analysis of two academic research papers published in the educational field that address the CT, debate and speaking skills issue. These two research papers have been critically evaluated in terms of validity and reliability of research methods and tools implemented, rigorousness of data analysis and pertinence of results. Results from the analysis of article X Indicate that the researcher presented a broad yet focused theoretical background around the present issue. He also used valid and reliable data collection instruments and executed a rigorous data analysis. The research findings were relevant and in adequacy to the overall aims and questions. As for article Y, the analysis revealed that the researchers used a mixed method approach to collect data which increased its reliability. Compared to article X, data analysis was not as rigorous yet, relevant to the research aims and questions. Based on the evidence, theories and arguments reviewed in the theoretical background and the critical evaluation of both articles, it is indicated that classroom debate does provide a significant improvement on EFL learners’ critical thinking and speaking skills.