إن تدريس القدرات الإنشائية يعتمد في الأساس على فهم طلبتنا للتحديات التي تنجم عن الفعل الإنشائي والمشكلات التي تحول دون تحقيق ذلك. ولهذا الغرض يقوم بحثنا بالكشف عن الميكانيزمات التي تشكل أي فعل إنشائي يقوم به طالب في اللغة الأجنبية. تبين النتائج المتحصل عليها أن الأخطاء الإنشائية لا تعود فقط إلى عجز لغوي، بل إلى عجز الطالب عن استعمال استراتيجيات الكتابة أيضا. To teach writing effectively in a second or foreign language teachers need awareness and understanding of the processes learners are involved in when completing a writing task. Thus, it is important to shed light on the strategies they use, i.e. behaviours, tactics or techniques they employ to carry out the task and overcome their difficulties when writing and discover the source./ sources of their difficulties. In effect, many research works have established a correlation between achievement in writing and the strategies used. Jones' results (1982), for example, showed that writing strategies affected writer's rhetorical structures and that lack of competence in composing rather than lack in L2 linguistic competence created difficulty in L2 writing. Likewise, Jacobs (1982) and Zamel (1982) found that competence in the composing process was more important than linguistic competence ie the ability to write proficiently in English. Many other studies which investigated the effect of the instruction of learning strategies on writing achievement found that equipping learners with appropriate writing strategies led to the improvement of their writing (Kasper 1997, Juan and Silveira 1998, Nasr and Samadi 1995).