لقد شكل موضوع مشاركة الم أ رة في الحیاة العامة والحیاة السیاسیة الموضوع الأساسي لعدة
تقاریر دولیة ووطنیة، بل أصبح من الضروري إعطاء أهمیة قصوى وعنایة كبیرة لتعزیز دورها في
المجتمع وفي الحیاة السیاسیة. وإن نحث مقاربة لتفعیل المشاركة السیاسیة للم أ رة تنعكس على مختلف
الأبعاد الاجتماعیة والاقتصادیة والثقافیة، كما ترتبط بالسیاسات العامة ومختلف القوانین لل وطنیة.
تحاول هذه الد ا رسة كمسعى لمعرفة خلفیات المشاركة السیاسیة للم أ رة عند اتجاهات طبقة من
النساء (نائبات بالمجلس الشعبي الوطني) من خلال معالجة الإشكالیة التالیة:
ما هي الخلفیات الاجتماعیة والثقافیة للمشاركة السیاسیة للم أ رة؟
ولمناقشة ذلك انتهجنا المنهج الوصفي مستخدمین في ذلك أسلوب الد ا رسة المیدانیة عن طریق
The issue of women's participation in public and political life has been the main subject of several international and national reports. It has become necessary to give utmost importance and great care to enhancing the role of women in society and in enhancing their role as well in political life, and activating women's political participation is reflected in Various social, economic and cultural dimensions are also linked to public policies and various national laws. This study attempts as an endeavour to know the backgrounds of women’s political participation in the attitudes of a class of women (deputies in the National People’s Assembly) by addressing the following problematic study:
What are the social and cultural backgrounds for women's participation in the political field?
To study and discuss this, we touched on the descriptive approach, and we used the method of the field study by preparing a form that was distributed to the study sample, which numbered 30 female parliamentarians in the National People’s Assembly, and after analysis and interpretation, the study concluded with the most important results:
- The political class is considered one of the most important factors influencing the formation and development of women's political inclinations, as the family played the most prominent role in this.
- Women's motivation and desire for political participation depend on an economic system, meaning that there is room for material independence and self-reliance, and thus a sense of their being and highlighting their social status.
- Enhancing women's participation in the political sphere is reflected positively in satisfying women's psychological needs and achieving their own aspirations.
- Women’s political participation is a reflection of cultural changes, meaning that the cultural-educational framework provides a catalyst for more political awareness.
The political system of social construction is supported by the political participation of women by providing the necessary conditions for distributing their fortunes in the elected councils.