يمثل الطين وسيلة مهمة للبناء في منطقة القبائل، ومنه كانت للقرميد عدة ورشات لصناعته في المنطقة، حتى أصبحت تختص بصناعته عائلات معروفة تتوارث صناعته أباً عن جد. وفي غالبية الأحيان تسير ورشة صناعته من طرف عائلة واحدة يقودها الأب ويساعده أبناؤه الذين يتحوّلون بمرور الزمن إلى محترفين في صناعته. Clay represents an important means of construction in the region of Kabylia, and from there there were several workshops for its manufacture in the region of Kabylia, until it specialized in its manufacture by well-known families who inherited its manufacture from father to grandfather. Most of the time, his workshop is run by a single family, headed by the father and helped by his children, who over time turn into professionals in its manufacture.