Il s'agit d'un compte rendu de l'ouvrage de Philippe Blanchet intitulé : Discriminations : combattre la glottophobie. L'auteur met en lumière les discriminations linguistiques et tente de démontrer que discriminer une personne à cause de sa façon de s'exprimer, équivaut à la discriminer en raison de sa façon d'être.
This is a published account of glottophobia by Philippe Blanchet, as illustrated in his book
Discriminations: combating glottophobia, which focuses on discrimination that is essentially
linguistic, "negative discrimination based on the fact that certain linguistic forms (perceived as
languages, dialects or uses of languages) used by these people are considered to be incorrect,
inferior, bad
This is a published account of glottophobia by Philippe Blanchet, as illustrated in his book
Discriminations: combating glottophobia, which focuses on discrimination that is essentially
linguistic, "negative discrimination based on the fact that certain linguistic forms (perceived as
languages, dialects or uses of languages) used by these people are considered to be incorrect,
inferior, bad