تناولت هذه الدراسة "بشير خلف" قاصا متخصصا في فن القصة القصيرة ، وباثا لغويا لمختلف القضايا الشائكة والراهنة التي عاينها، وسمت دراستي ب" تقنيات القص في الأعمال القصصية عند بشير خلف"، حيث تطرقت فيها إلى العناصر التالية: مصادره الثقافية، تطور القص لديه، وبعض التقنيات التي استعملها في سرده القصصي. توصلت من خلالها إلى رؤية القاص للمجتمع الجزائري بزوايا مختلفة عرضت ثقافته الواسعة داخل محكي قصصه، ظهرت فيها القرية والمدينة جراء الصراع الناجم بين شخصيات قصصه بين ثنائية (المركز والهامش)، واستمر في مسيرة عطائه مع محاولات التجريب بغاية التجديد وتخريج القصة القصيرة كفن لا تحده حدود القوالب الجاهزة في تشكيلة فنية ترتكز على اللغة وتتجاوزها بتقنيات لغوية وأخرى غير لغوية (أيقونية)، كما اتكأت الدراسة على بعض المصادر والمراجع التي تناولت القصة القصيرة وتقنياتها مما يسر لي الإحاطة بموضوع بحثي هذا
This study dealt with “Bashir Khalaf”,a storyteller specialized in the art of the short story, a linguistic path to the various thorny and current issues through which he examined.My study was characterized by “The Techniques of Storytelling in the Storytelling Works of Bashir Khalaf”, in which I touched upon the following elements: his cultural sources, the development of his storytelling, and some of the techniques that he used in his storytelling.Through it, I came to the narrator’s vision of Algerian society at different angles that presented his wide culture within his storytellers, in which the village and the city emerged as a result of the conflict between the characters of his stories between the duality (center and margin).He continued his path of giving with attempts at experimentation with the aim of renewal and the graduation of the short story as an art that does not limit the boundaries of ready-made templates in an artistic collection based on language and transcending it with linguistic and non-linguistic techniques (iconic).While a plan was drawn for this, it was represented in the first chapter: his cultural sources, the second chapter: the development of storytelling among the narrator, and the third chapter: techniques (time, place, dialogue). In this study, I relied on the analytical descriptive approach and some techniques of the semiotic and anatomical approach. The study also relied on some sources and references that dealt with the short story and its techniques, which facilitated my briefing on this research topic.