There is no doubt that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various domains
including education and research. Yet, attitudes towards the use of AI are controversial. This
study aims to investigate the perception of artificial intelligence tools in research among EFL
(English as a Foreign Language) doctorate students of the department of English, University
of Tlemcen in order to provide valuable information for understanding and addressing the
extra challenges students face in doing research nowadays. In so doing, a cross-sectional
study was conducted with 15 doctorate students using Google forms questionnaire. The
questionnaire consisted of three sections to examine (a) the respondents‟ barriers to research,
(b) their positive perception towards research and (c) their negative perception towards
research all in the light of the current hands-on of AI tools. The results indicated that almost
all informants heard and read about AI while only 20.25% stated that they have good or
excellent knowledge about it. Speaking about their general perception, approximately half of
the respondents 54% rated the use of AI tools in research as positive and the other half (46%)
as negative. It is worth noting as a conclusion that although showing only a mediocre
perception and knowledge about artificial intelligence, the majority of students rated AI in
research as positive. Following this finding, the study calls for an urgent need to implement
institutional rules and measures that would strengthen the development and the growth of
scientific production in the university context among novice researchers, doctorate students